St. John's College. Jaffna

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Interact Club

Interact Club

The Interact Club of St John’s College, Jaffna is the first Interact Club to be established in Sri Lanka, and it was inaugurated on the 18th of March 1964. This was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Jaffna. The late Principal, Mr. C. E. Anantharajan was the first staff advisor of the club.

Goals of Interact
• Recognition and development of positive leadership and personal integrity.
• To Encourage considerate and caring behaviour.
• To raise awareness of the importance of home and family.
• To foster an ethos of respect for the rights of others.
• To Emphasize the importance of accepting individual responsibility as a fundamental attribute of personal success, improving community and group success
• To recognize the dignity and worth of every useful profession as opportunities to serve society.
• To provide opportunities to learn about and understand community, national and global issues.
• To open personal and collective paths of action which foster international understanding and goodwill towards all peoples.